Why do you need a
Desk Booking System?


Why do you need a Desk Booking System?

Many people mistakenly believe that implementing desk reservations in your office is the same as implementing hybrid working. This type of solution has grown in popularity as a result of the pandemic and the return to work, but it ignores the true pain and needs of businesses.

You can organize the departure of a portion of your team by creating a rotation of people in your office using simple work schedules. You can, for example, specify that one team comes to the office on Mondays and Wednesdays and another on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every two weeks, Friday can be a mixed day for each team. That's it; you've solved your flexible office problem without investing anything. However, this creates some issues.

Certain types of businesses are going to succeed only through the remote model, requiring little or no office time. Others will reject the remote or hybrid model, preferring to interact face-to-face. Team management is a complex discipline when it comes to activity organization. When you consider the need to manage the organization of spaces, processes, and dynamics, the task becomes much more difficult.

Certain types of businesses are going to succeed only through the remote model, requiring little or no office time. Others will reject the remote or hybrid model, preferring to interact face-to-face.

The face-to-face model remains the most well-known and manageable for most organizations, leading the office to be used to its maximum capacity at all times. Is this model, however, what increases productivity in an interaction and collaboration environment?

The short answer is that it depends. When discussing the role of interaction and collaboration, there are some factors to consider. The first consideration is the work's purpose. Teams that require a more direct level of conversation and information exchange, such as sales, human resources, and operations, prefer this model because it produces better results. On the other hand, some departments and individuals require a more focused and immersive approach to their work, making interruptions due to questions or interactions with other professionals harmful.

Some studies suggest that open-concept offices, which value collaboration, reduce the productivity of many of their employees due to high levels of noise and visual distractions. As a result, employees prefer to work from home to better fulfill their roles. Performing your role better means being more productive and delivering better results.

On the other hand, managers prefer the 100% presence model because it allows them to micromanage their teams and have complete control over the processes. As a result, they are able to perform better in their leadership roles. And performing your role better means being more productive and delivering better results.

We can see that both professionals and managers want better conditions to produce results for the company, which creates noise that is frequently resolved with top-down decisions that tend to return to the previous model in order to avoid further discussions.

However, greater productivity should be sought regardless of where one works or for what reason. And this extends far beyond selecting an office desk to work on once, twice, or three times per week.

Understanding processes, improving team collaboration, and managing people are all ways to bring to your company the new world that has appeared in recent years. It's bringing what works best at home and at work and getting better results from your workforce.

Managing hybrid work is not flexible desk booking; as previously stated, you can do it with a simple scale organization. Understanding hybrid work is understanding how your company can remain productive, collaborative, and connected regardless of where your employees are.

Understanding hybrid work is understanding how your company can remain productive, collaborative, and connected regardless of where your employees are.

This is the new differentiator that your company should use. The office can be a gathering place for people to interact and collaborate, but your company is made up of people who need a conducive environment in which to work. Companies that are able to understand this new management model will be able to attract the best minds and produce the best managers.

Of course, you'll need a tool to help you go beyond booking rooms and desks. Neptune responds to these new desires and pains of not only caring for spaces, but also for processes, people, and the company outside of the office.

Learn about the management, planning, collaboration, communication, and interaction features and transform your business into a anywhere office model.

An innovative and disruptive company does not simply need an office with game space, rest areas, and other resources to attract employees to the face-to-face.

It must comprehend the employee's suffering and how he feels better performing his duties. And, I'm not sure if we've already said it, but performing your role better means being more productive and delivering better results.

Meet Neptune and upgrade your office.

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