Facilities Management: More Than Maintenance and Cleaning

Much more than maintenance and cleaning, facility management can be a way to improve work as a whole, and still save a lot as a consequence.


Facility management, often underestimated, plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of any organization. But what exactly does "facilities management" mean? And how can a facility manager go beyond traditional tasks to add strategic value to the company? Let’s explore these issues and show how a business vision can transform that function.

What is Facilities Management?

Facility management is a comprehensive discipline that involves the administration and supervision of various physical aspects of a work environment. This includes building maintenance, security management, cleaning, equipment maintenance and coordination of support services such as reception and logistics. The main objective is to create a safe, efficient and comfortable working environment that enables employees to perform their functions effectively.

n addition to traditional responsibilities, facility management also encompasses the implementation of policies and practices that promote sustainability and energy efficiency. This can include the adoption of efficient lighting systems, waste management and optimizing the use of resources such as water and energy. Facility management is therefore a multifaceted function that requires a combination of technical, administrative and communication skills.

The Importance of a Strategic Vision

Traditionally, facility managers are seen as responsible for basic operational tasks. However, with a strategic vision, they can contribute significantly to business success. By adopting a business approach, a facility manager can identify opportunities to optimize space use, increase productivity, and reduce costs.

Space Optimization

A facility manager with a business vision understands the importance of using space efficiently. For example, with the implementation of room and table reservation technologies, it is possible to maximize the occupation of available space and avoid waste of resources. Studies show that companies that adopt space management systems can save up to 30% on property costs.

An image that represents a strategic vision.
An image that represents a well-organized and productive work environment.
Increase in Productivity

Creating a well-organized and adaptable work environment can have a direct impact on employee productivity. Well-planned work spaces that meet the needs of teams promote a more collaborative and motivating environment. Integrating facility management technologies can simplify the lives of employees, allowing them to concentrate on their core tasks.

Cost Reduction

In addition to savings with property costs, efficient facility management can result in a significant reduction in operating costs. Implementing sustainable practices, such as energy and water management, and preventive equipment maintenance, can reduce costs and improve business sustainability.

Support Tools

Tools like Neptune are essential for facility managers who want to adopt a strategic approach. With integrated space reservation and work planning solutions, Neptune facilitates the coordination of daily activities and provides valuable data for informed decision-making.

To learn more about how technology can revolutionize facility management in your company, visit our website and discover the solutions Neptune offers. Transform your approach and see how efficient facility management can boost your organization.


Facility management goes far beyond cleaning and maintenance. With a business vision, facility managers can transform the work space into a more productive and efficient environment, contributing to the overall success of the company. By adopting advanced technologies and strategic practices, these professionals can maximize space use, increase productivity and reduce operating costs, thus demonstrating their value as an integral part of business management.

Contact us and see how we can help you raise the level of maturity of your workplace management
